Tuesday, 6 November 2012


I'm finding I have different attitudes to things lately. People are telling me I'm 'nesting'. Mike says this just means creating a nice home, with good things in it. Mostly kitchen things, it seems.
I'm wearing different things, or wearing the same tings differently. I suppose I have more knowledge of myself, I'm more content in myself. I haven't felt the need to write about my emotional life regularly for over 2 years now (says a lot really) and I have Opinions on Things.

I'm moving back to Brighton soon, which still feels more like home than anywhere else ever has. I'm clearing out old things, more able to throw things away than before, less likely to hang onto stuff just 'incase'. I want the good things to replace the old crappy things. I suppose I'm just as materialistic as I always was, but for different things, or perhaps just better things.

I have too many coats and shoes. Mike has been helping by putting things on ebay that I never wear, and theres a charity for winter coats which will have colleting points near work. I can't bare to actually throw anything away that still has some use in it, althought I do get a certain (almost guilty) pleasure out of getting rid of stuff that still works. Guilty because the thing I have always grown up with is Saving. Saving money, electricity, time, cleanliness, and Stuff. Keep everything forever.

I suppose the main difference is I'm actually an adult now. We had a conversation last night about what would happen if everything went wrong with the move. Mike said we could move back in with parents if worst came to worst, but I know I would never go back now. It just wouldn't happen. I'd rather live as a couple in a studio flat, or on my own in a studio flat than move back there. It's not that my parents are terrible people, there just comes a point when you know you will never go back. It's not even about if you could or not, you just Won't.

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